Tsukumo Niwa
2012 Instrumental Scholarship Recipient
Tina's passion for music is a combination of motivation, hard work, and a deep desire for expression. Motivated by her love for the art, she dedicates herself to daily practice on the oboe, striving to improve her skills in performance. Hard work becomes her tool during rehearsals, allowing her to play meticulously and follow the conductor's guidance. At the heart of her musical ability lies her ability to express herself, performing a variety of musical styles in different ensembles.
To fully express her passion for music, Tina seizes every musical opportunity available to her. In school, she participates in orchestra and pit orchestra, takes on the role of student director for the woodwind quintet, and contributes as a member of the Music Cabinet. Additionally, she sings in an award-winning choir, immersing herself in diverse musical experiences. Beyond her school involvement, Tina actively engages with her community, performing with professionals and students in renowned institutions such as the New York City Opera, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, and Manhattan School of Music Precollege. She also embraces other art forms, expanding her artistic education through AP Art History and Acting Methods electives.
Looking ahead, Tina envisions herself not only becoming a musician but embodying her personal image of a true musician. Inspired by Akira Miyagawa, a musician she idolizes, she recognizes that true musicians possess a deep understanding and appreciation for the art of music. While expertise on one's instrument is crucial, Tina also values the importance of musical knowledge, personality, and a willingness to share one's passion. With an insatiable hunger for more musical knowledge, she strives to embody this ideal, becoming the true musician she envisions.