Madhalasa Iver
2022 Literary Arts Scholarship Recipient
Madhalasa's journey in the arts began at a young age when her grandfather introduced her to writing. Although her early attempts were marked by abstract lines and circles, her grandfather encouraged her to persevere. He shared the rich literary history of their family and the beauty of poetry in their native language, Tamil. Inspired by her grandfather's passion, Madhalasa aspired to become the next writer in their family, discovering the artistry of words and their ability to evoke emotions.
Her talent and dedication earned her recognition in prestigious competitions such as the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. She proudly received a Gold Medal in the Nationals and the New York Life Award for her science fiction piece. Madhalasa's love for storytelling is evident as she immerses herself in crafting characters that grow and evolve throughout her narratives. With her words, she hopes to reach millions of readers worldwide, spreading joy and making a positive impact on their lives.
Excited about the prospect of further honing her craft, Madhalasa is attending the Iowa Young Writers Summer Program. She seeks to enhance her writing skills and gain a deeper understanding of the art of writing. Believing in the power of words to break down barriers and foster empathy, she envisions using her voice as an artist and writer to effect constructive change in the world. Madhalasa's artistic journey is driven by the belief that through words, emotions can be drawn and empathy can be felt, opening doors to endless possibilities.