Julian Houston Stepped Into Modeling

Julian shares his experience modeling at both London and Milan Fashion Week and signing with a talent agency in NY!

So nice to hear from you! I'm so glad to hear that the Anthony Quinn Foundation will be continuing to open scholarships! It was truly an amazing and life-changing time for me and I would want nothing more than for other young people to be able to experience what I was so generously awarded. 

While I'm not currently focused on the visual arts with my drawing and painting, I've recently stepped into modeling in the past couple of years which has been an exciting experience for me so far! I had the amazing opportunity to travel to London with a friend of mine who was modeling in London Fashion week and after the show the designer invited me to walk in the next season. I guess it's easy to assume my answer was yes! I was blessed to have the opportunity to walk in both London and Milan fashion week and I loved every minute!

After the shows I made extra time to travel to Paris and visit the Louvre and see all the magic of the city. I ended up moving to Jersey City closer to NY for work opportunities and have now signed with MMG, a talent agency in NY. I'm definitely looking forward to what the future holds for me and enjoying the crazy ride along the way! If you'd like to see some of the modeling that I have been doing I've copied the link to my website here- https://www.julianhoustonmodeling.com

Julian Houston

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