Adin Joseph at BODYTRAFFIC

Adin (AQF '24) tells us about his experience in the contemporary dance program at BODYTRAFFIC and the important connections he has made.

"I loved BODYTRAFFIC and am so happy and grateful that I got to go. Much of the dance styles we did were based in Afro and Cuban culture which was not only unique, but very very fun!

I made great personal relationships with each and every company member. I felt that they really cared about us as dancers and as people. I also made lifetime friendships with peers from around the country. The dance world is such a small one, so it is important to start cultivating relationships as soon as possible. Connections are everything in this competitive industry.

However, more than just connections, I felt unbelievably close to the people I spent those 3 weeks with. I find myself missing them almost daily. Anyway, I truly could not be more thankful to the Anthony Quinn Foundation and the Golden Family for allowing me to get this incredible experience!"

Adin Joseph

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