Ellery Stocker
2018 Media Arts Scholarship Recipient
Ellery discovered her love for animation when she watched her first Studio Ghibli film, My Neighbor Totoro. The combination of beautiful art and emotional storytelling fascinated her from a young age. Growing up watching Disney and Pixar films further ignited her passion for animation, as she admired the thought and creative energy behind each frame. For Ellery, animation provides the freedom to express characters without real-world limitations, requiring a broad set of skills encompassing drawing, design, storytelling, acting, and movement.
Drawing has always been a significant part of Ellery's life, and she recalls countless hours spent capturing the world around her. Enrolling in the education program at the Walt Disney Family Museum further solidified her desire to pursue a career in animation. The instructors at the museum inspired and encouraged her, pushing her to become a better artist. Through their guidance, she delved into the principles of animation, both in hand-drawn and digital styles. Fascinated by character design, Ellery constantly creates new characters and weaves stories around them, fueling her artistic journey.
The California State Summer School for the Arts (CSSSA) represents the next step in Ellery's artistic evolution. The intensive animation program offered by CSSSA will allow her to delve deeper into the world of animation filmmaking. With specialized classes in life drawing, storyboarding, and movement, she will enhance her skills in animation. Moreover, CSSSA provides the opportunity to learn from guest artists and industry professionals, gaining a better understanding of the animation industry. Collaborating with fellow passionate artists from around the world at CSSSA will foster her growth as an artist and enable her to create films together while expanding her artistic horizons.